Artificial Intelligence in Education
Humankind has aimed to develop since the beginning of his existence.Since we are living in a developing world, nothing stays same.For instance, compared to the past, education was not sufficient for both students and teachers, because it lacked of many things like difficulties in transferring knowledge that developed in somewhere in the world to other areas or limited learning opportunities.However, with the arrival of technology and upgraded artifical intelligence, as said before, many things changed in also education.In the following parts, how Artifical Intelligence changed the education will be talked about.
Thanks to the artificial intelligence, it became so easier for students to get a good education, because technology is everywhere.Education has started to be integrated with technology.This is actually an indicator of the fact that the foundations of education is being mechanized.We need to ask an important question here: Will artifical intelligence replace teachers? This question is actually a comic one, because the answer is NO, at least for now.However, this doesn't change the fact that teachers who cannot adapt themselves to the innovations technology has brought will be at risk.Because schools should be able to provide education for learners in the best possible way.Teachers who are unable to do so will be behind the times.
Let's talk about how we can benefit from technology in education.
1-Easy Access: There are a lot of websites that present various information to learners.Along with these virtual ways, amount of printed course books today are much very higher than the past.All in all, it became easier for a student to reach information about something, which also makes the education easy.
2-Distance Learning: Technology made it possible for students to attend their classes no matter when or where they do this.Educational videos, voice records, applications can be regarded as examples.
3-Lesson Duration: Technology also lets us save time in education.For instance, teachers can prepare educational materials such as slides that let them spend the time more efficiently.
4-Personalized Learning: Teachers are able to plan lessons depending on student interest and skills now. This allows personalized learning, which means students can learn at their own pace.
5-Student Performance: Technology gives teachers a lot of opportunities to improve students' skills.For example, unlike the past when it was impossible, teachers can make use of voice records in order to improve students' listening skills.
In conclusion, it is a good development that artificial intelligence came into our lifes, because it helps teachers make the education more qualified and efficient.All teachers needs to do is to keep up with it, otherwise they may put themselves at stake.
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