My Experience on Second Life


-Today, I am going to introduce something completely different from the web 2.0 tools which were introduced before in this blog.It's Second Life.I heard about it many years ago but didn't have an opportunity to look.Now, I realize that I missed a lot.Aside from the entertainment that I found there, it was also a process to discover for me.As soon as I created my own character, I tried to make interactions with other people all around the world.I felt like I was in a community that consists of people like me.It was a bit introductory to the real life and could have worked on me well if I had been still a kid but there are still a lot of kids to whom we can introduce Second Life, right?Activities on Second Life was another thing that I found impressive, because it was possible to take place in activities that I can't participate in real life.Now, I know that whenever I want to get away from the oppression of real life, I have another world to go.When I think that we can integrate Second Life with education, especially in distance learning, I imagine things that we can do, which are things that we can't do in real life.It could also be instructive for kids.For instance, they can learn English more easily, because they interact with other people from different places of the world there.Finally, Second Life is not completely separate from the real life.There are people using it to make money in real life.It's interesting, right?

-I shared a picture of my virtual character on Facebook, here is the link:


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