What is learning?

         Learning is a comprehensive concept and it includes some specific details that people who give teaching service should pay attention to.It is not a random process.Conversely, it should be planned by teachers, because it is closely related to teaching.It will be a good way to ask some questions in order to get a good understanding of the concept and its basics.

What does learning mean?

      Along with being a basic function of the brain, learning also refers to the observable changes and developments in a person's knowledge, skills and attitudes in the long run.So, it should be considered with its all aspects, including human biology.

How does learning occur?

      Learning requires a process of repetition in the brain, because it doesn't occur if we do something only once.The brain needs to consume a high level of energy for learning to occur.Without the energy, learning doesn't occur because the brain has other functions to realize.Additionally, learning doesn't occur as a whole but piece by piece, which strengthens the concept process.

What are the 3 parts of the brain that are localized for learning?

     They are Hippocampus, Amygdala and Nucleus Accumbens, being responsible for learning and memory, reactiveness and motivation respectively.

-Since learning doesn't occur only when being face to face, it will be nice to also ask questions about distance learning.

How long is the most effective educational video for University Students?

      If an educational video is longer than 15 minutes, university students tend to stop watching it.So, the ideal duration is between 10-15 minutes.

What are the most remembered parts of a lesson?

      Visuals are likely to be the most remembered parts of a lesson because they are processed and made meaningful by the brain more quickly and easily.

How long should an online lesson be and why?

     An online lesson will be more efficient if it lasts more than 15 minutes but less than 30 minutes, because students protect their concentration on a lesson during the first and last parts of the lesson.In this case, the level of memorability will remain high.

Why do we do the lesson design?

      Thanks to the lesson design, we make the learning easier.We provide students with memory formation and help them be in interaction.Moreover, we do the lesson design to realize the learning and teaching cycle, to make them effective.Additionally, we should design a lesson according to the learning principles of the brain.All in all, we make the learning effective and efficient with lesson design.

-Learning has two important components:Learning cycle and teaching cycle.As said before, learning and teaching are related to each other, so it is important to know what these cycles mean for a good learning.

-Learning cycle consists of Learning - Self Efficiacy - Intrinsic Motivation and Commitment.Self efficiacy should be paid attention here, because it is vital for students.They should believe that they can be successful in education.So, teachers should ask questions based on students' foreknowledge and praise them after they give an answer.This also increases the intrinsic motivation and is important for learning cycle.

-Teaching cycle consists of Introduction - Explanation - Demonstration - Practice - Feedback - Summary.The important thing here is to give a lecture through the similarities and differences, because that's how the brain learns.It is important to establish relations and make students do cognitive practices and so make them think and then give feedbacks about how they think by presenting the topic with its important aspects in a summarizing way.This is the teaching cycle of a meaningful whole.

-It should be remembered that teaching activities, pre-teaching and post-teaching activities are important and effective in teaching.In this way, students' self-efficiacy, motivation, foreknowledge are established.They are guided during the learning and they are followed and reinforced by being prepared to the next lesson.

-As the conclusion part, learning and its basic components, how it is supposed to occur and its some aspects have been discussed in this blog.It should be taken into account as a whole for a good learning to occur.I used Prof. Dr. Soner Yıldırım's video about language and learning while preparing this blog, so I am sharing the link to the video so that you can watch it, too.



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