What is TPACK?

      -In today's world, it is seen as a necessity to use technology for an effective teaching.In this context, TPACK is a model developed to provide teachers with necessary knowledge about how to utilize technology to make teaching effective.TPACK gives us a frame in which technology can be integrated into education in order to provide students with a qualified, better education service.It consists of three fields and gives us information about technology, pedagogy and content knowledge.These fields are represented with separate circles and they are interconnected to each other as you can see below.

1-Technological Knowledge (TK)

-It includes knowledge about how to use technological devices and applications on internet and knowledge about the information and communication technologies.I can give such examples as laptops, smart boards or some web 2.0 tools like blogs, google classroom, edmodo.

2-Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)

-This one includes knowledge of students' learning, different educational methods, strategies and theories.It is more about how to help students gain content knowledge of a subject matter.

3-Content Knowledge (CK)

-CK contains knowledge about subject matter that is teached or learned such as science, math, geograp-hy etc.This knowledge also incorporates concepts and phenomenons about a topic.

-All these fields form different subfields when merged into each other.I will provide a brief information below.

1- Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

-It refers to a teacher's skill to choose the appropriate technology for a topic/content so as to give students a better understanding of the topic.Teachers should be able to choose the appropriate techn-ology to be able to transfer their content knowledge to students effectively.

2-Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

-It signifies choosing a teaching strategy that accords with content knowledge.Teachers aim at choosing strategies that will improve students' skills and interests in a lesson for an effective teaching.

3-Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)

-It includes choosing the most appropriate technology for a teaching strategy, method, approach so that students' motivation and permanent learning can be increased.

     -TPACK, which stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, is in the center of these fields and subfields.TPACK tells us that appropriate technology should be used within the appropriate teaching strategy/approach according to students' pedagogic requirements.As long as education occurs within the frame of TPACK, it is going to be effective and charming for students.


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